Installation view FOX, Vienna

Without title (Double) 201x97cm, 2021
Ink on paper, installation view: FOX, Vienna

Obstacle 59,4x42cm, 2022, ink on paper
New Obstacle 59,4x42cm, 2022, ink on paper
Subsequent, 42×29,7cm, 2022, ink and collage on paper
Installation view: FOX, Vienna

Without title (Double) 201x97cm, 2021
Ink on paper, installation view: FOX, Vienna
solo show, FOX Vienna, 2023
floor installation with paper sheets, objects, drawings
Language is at the root of the paradoxical: I register something that is already different only a moment later. Our thinking is bound to language. Our actions aren’t, however.
Each drawing an exploration – a question that remains unanswered.
I have nothing to say, yet the sheet is filling up.
The space ante language is not a space of nescience. Time and ink trickle. To not register is a difficult task. Exhume objects by engulfing them. A solution – drawn, meandering, scuttling away, spilled. Performing the will of the ink.
Act and wait. Sedimented memory. Cohesion, adhesion, intuition, thirst. Transfer into another state of matter. Time is action. I can dedicate myself to it, moment by moment. Each sheet an open-ended experiment.
Minor differences in gravity.
A thin line between mastery and chance. Spare liquid can be poured away, spilled, and collected again.
Don’t lose control, rather give it up.
(Almut Rink)